Hello there!

I am a PhD student in Complex Systems and Network Science at IT:U, Interdisciplinary Transformation University - Austria. I am also completing a MPhil. in Network Science at the Department of Network and Data Science at CEU.

My interest relies in the study of complex systems using tools from network science and statistical physics with a particular focus on inferential methods and higher-order systems.

I work under the supervision of Tiago P. Peixoto on the formulation of generative models for temporal networks and the application of network inference methods to the analysis of internal migrations in Austria.

Get in touch!

Do not hesitate to contact me for questions/comments/ideas, to discuss cycling, or just to say hi!


28/02/2025 - I gave a talk at the Namur Institute for Complex Systems.

30/01/2025 - Our manuscript “Synergistic signatures of group mechanisms in higher-order systems” has been accepted in Physical Review Letters.

07/06/2024 - Today I have passed my comprehensive exam, succesfully defending my PhD thesis research proposal! (you can also check the material from my recent departmental seminar talk about it)

Previous affiliations and supervisors